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Concurrency Based on Threads, Locks and Shared State

This is the third article discussing the challenges of implementing high concurrent web applications. In the previous two articles, we mainly focused on the challenge for handling concurrent requests and the two design patterns of handling concurrent requests. In this article, we are going to discuss the challenges in designing highly concurrent business logic.

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Complier Design: Scanner, Parser and Analysis

Compiler is the translator between human readable high level language and the computer readable low level languages, it translate the a program from a source language into a target language. Why do we need compiler? Because for human beings, programming in a machine language, such as assembly is highly inefficient and time consuming.

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Economics & Financial Market | 经济与金融

概念解释 :工农价格剪刀差


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MIT PoM 1: introduction to Microeconomics

Economics is all about scarcity and the constrained optimization, which means given certain constraints, how does individuals and firm trade off different alternatives to make the optimal choice. Actually, all engineering is about constraint optimization.

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Computer Science & Software | 计算机与软件

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Humanities, Society & Art | 人文、社会与艺术

Rain and Tears

侯孝贤导演的《最好的时光》里青春梦部分的配乐。张震和舒淇饰演的秀美在台球室认识,张震要去服兵役,两人约好书信联系。等张震休假期间回来时,秀美已经换了工作地点。张震辗转之下终于找到秀美,然而距离他要回军营的时间已近不多。两人于是一起来到夜市吃面,《rain and tears》响起。两人在雨后的街头等车,张震鼓起勇气牵住了秀美的手。

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Professional Development | 职业发展

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Personal Growth | 个人成长

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