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Chapter 3: How to Scale SQL Database?

Database is oftentimes the bottleneck of service scalability and reliability. Between 2018 and 2020, Doordash experienced multiple site wide outages during our traffic peak hours due to database issues. Before we are able to break down the monolithic service, we need to put off the database fires to ensure the team has enough room to focus on the service extraction. In this chapter, I am going to introduce how we scale the SQL databases.

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Chapter 2: Why ORM Can Be the Scaling Bottleneck?

ORM is widely used in Doordash’s Django monolithic service. It enabled the developer to focus on the business logic. However, it became a major scalability bottleneck as the service grew. In this chapter, I am going to talk about the bad side of ORM, and why we decided to get rid of ORM in our new microservice and use SQL queries instead.

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Chapter 1: Decouple Client and Backend through BFF Layer

In the monolithic world, doordash service only has two layers: a python Django monolithic service as the backend, and the client layer, including the web and mobile clients. The simple architecture worked well when the business and the team were small, as it enabled the product team to move fast. However it doesn’t scale as it increases the overhead maintaining the backend.

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Economics & Financial Market | 经济与金融

银行是如何运作的?Part 1


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Computer Science & Software | 计算机与软件

Quick Read 1: Circuit Breaker Pattern

Circuit breaker is a design pattern used in modern software development. It is used to detect failures and encapsulates the logic of preventing a failure from constantly recurring, during maintenance, temporary external system failure or unexpected system difficulties.

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Release It! Stability

Morden software system usually needs to process transactions, which is an abstract unit of work. A resilient system keeps processing transactions even when there are transient impulses, persistent stresses, or component failure disrupting normal processing.

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Humanities, Society & Art | 人文、社会与艺术



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Professional Development | 职业发展



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面试杂谈:Google Engineer 的问题

我面试候选人的时候发现Google 这类大公司的工程师普遍有两个问题:对基础设施端(Infrastructure)了解不足,主动沟通能力不够。这两个问题根植在大公司的运行模式和企业文化当中,在这类公司的候选人当中非常普遍。

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The Choice Of Words: Introductory

The goal of writing professional document is to convey our meaning without ambiguity and without giving unnecessary trouble to our readers. To achieve this goal, we should follow the following principles:

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Personal Growth | 个人成长



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