Release It: Stability Antipatterns

What is antipattern? Stability antipatterns are systematic patterns of failure about service stability. Why study antipatterns? Software rarely crashes today. Each of the antipatterns will create, accelerate, or multiply cracks in the system. Learning the antipatterns...

Quick Read 1: Circuit Breaker Pattern

Quick Read is a series of blogs aiming to provide a quick explanation for one concept. One at A Time. Source: Circuit Breaker, Martin FowlerCircuit Breaker, Microsoft Cloud Design Pattern What is Circuit Breaker? Circuit breaker is a design pattern used in modern...

Release It! Stability

Notes from reading the book: Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software. Morden software system usually needs to process transactions, which is an abstract unit of work. A resilient system keeps processing transactions even when there are transient...

Release It! Chapter 13: Availability

This is the study notes from the book Release It! Design and Deploy Production-Ready Software. AVAILABILITY is one of the most frequently used term to describe the reliability of the system. In this section, we will dive deep into the hard of availability. We will...