面试杂谈:Google Engineer 的问题

我面试候选人的时候发现Google 这类大公司的工程师普遍有两个问题:对基础设施端(Infrastructure)了解不足,主动沟通能力不够。这两个问题根植在大公司的运行模式和企业文化当中,在这类公司的候选人当中非常普遍。

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Hiring: The Hidden Job Description

The internal standards we used to hire a candidate is way different from the job description posted on the company’s career website. It could be that the company’s using a standard hiring process with a generic job description, or it could be that the hiring managers intentionally keep the description vague so that we can be flexible in the hiring process.

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Manager Training: Coaching and Delegation

There are three tools that can help the subordinates to improve their efficiency: teaching, mentoring, and coaching. Teaching is telling the person step by step how to accomplish the task, mentoring is to analyze the situation with the person to find out the solution, while coaching is to help the person to come up with the solution by themselves by asking the right question.

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Organizational Communication

There are three important elements in the process of communication: symbols, noise, and channels. In the most formal definition, communication is the process of sending and receiving symbols with attached meanings. Noise is anything that interferes with the effectiveness of communication. Channels are the pathways through which messages are communicated.

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