
集装箱与全球化 经过40多年的发展,集装箱运输已经变成了全球化经济中最重要的基础设施。集装箱运输最大的贡献在于,通过标准化集装箱尺寸,并将这种尺寸用于运输行业的各个环节,自动化原来需要繁重手工劳动的环节大大提升了运输的效率。集装箱运输在实现便捷的全球化运输的大大降低了物资运输的成本,同时节省了运输时间。...

The Choice Of Words: Introductory

From “The Complete Plain Words”. The goal of writing professional document is to convey our meaning without ambiguity and without giving unnecessary trouble to our readers. To achieve this goal, we should follow the following principles: Use no more words...

《The One Minute Manager》Book Review

Instead of summarizing the book, I organized my learnings from the book in Q&A format to highlight how these hidden theories in the book could be applied to our daily management practice. Part I: Book Summary What is the one-minute goal setting? Agree on your goal...

