Critical Thinking: The Basic Concepts

In a simplest form, critical thinking is about effectively processing the information to reach a conclusion. I found critical thinking was not easy to master when I first learnt it during my GRE test training at my college. The students are required to finish two...

Ask the Most from Your People and Get It, Part I

The managers should ask the most from the team for many reasons. The biggest reason is that the company and the organization expects you to deliver work as a group. Your value is measured by how much value your team can deliver. The more effective your team is, the...

Why Agile Project Management?

I learnt extreme programming in my graduate study. The course name was software engineering and the students grouped together to finish an academic project over the semester in an agile, or extreme programming(then name) manner. Looking back, I have to admit that I...

Project Management: Agile V.S. Waterfall

What is scrum? Scrum is an widely used agile process, it breaks down the project into 2-4 weeks intervals called Scrum. While each scrum is a small project that each should produce a working incremental of software. At each end of the sprint, the team will review the...

Java Memory Management

Java Memory Model What’s in the memory of a running Java application? Before we look into the details, we can guess that the following component is needed for an application to run: The code: Java code is not complied or executed in native code format, the code...